Monday, March 16, 2009

Event: Mary-Kate at the Metropolitan Opera's 125th Anniversary Gala

This is a very hit and look miss for me - I love it, but then I hate it, but then something catches my eye and then something turns me off. Mary-kate is wearing a Yves Saint Laurent dress paired with a silver YSL clutch.
I love her uniqueness but then I feel as if this would have been a lot better with just red lipstick and a simple updo. What do you think?

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Stephanie said...

I really like it. I love the messy curls and then the braid thrown in there. she owns those red lips. so awesome. She looks like a Fitzgerald character here and I have a weakness for anything that remotely resembles any of his characters/stories lol.


lnguyen said...

if she did the simple updo, then she would be like many other people who do that look. here, she is standing out in front of the rest and therefore being talked about. great idea to do her hair like this..

Jane said...

I love her in the 2 close ups but the top one there is something Im not in love with that I dont quite know what it is

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Anonymous said...

Ok we all love her for always doing her own thing no matter what anyone else says... but maybe she should have listened to some age old wisdom here... if your gonna do bold lips leave the eyes alone! Its just too much. The hair kicks arse though.

Anonymous said...

it's cool, because you never see MK look like this. classic, but not von teese-y. she looks great and i love to see her hair a little different once and a least for events.

miss d said...

very courtnee love... of course mk is much much better..

Fashion Dweller said...

I quite like it. The outfit is very MK and so obviously I love it! I give her kudos just for having the balls to try out something so completley different to what she normally does with her hair and I think she pulls it off really well.


i agree with you.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think the look she's going for is a hit. it's very bold but suttle. she looks so dramatiic! this is a good look for her :D

Farrah Flare said...

I adore it. It's very Old-Hollywood but somehow modern at the same time. I can understand why you'd feel that way though..about liking it for a second and then another not.

Cyrielle- Unlimited Clothes said...

OMG she is the incarnation of THE beauty, she is amazing! I love her make up and the completely well done hair!

Anonymous said...

I think she looks fantastic ! One of her best looks in my opinion.

Cindy said...

i love the look, especially the hair. the only negative would be the reddish tone around her eyes. i think it takes away from everything else she has going on. other then that i think she looks amazing and very healthy.

Anonymous said...

I'm not feeling this look at all. It's the hair and the look of wine-stained lips. Either don't curl your hair and go TRUE Olsen bed-head style, or a super chic, light up-do, or curls that make sense. It's all over the place. The dress/belt/clutch are phenomenal though.